Last Friday, the Middle school did their end of year performance and it was about water. I was at their school and in the auditorium. It was in the morning.
In the show there were two actors that did all the talking. There also was a funny person who said some funny things. All of their names were: Chetna; Nikhil and Dohnivan. (Dohnivan was the funny person).
My favourite part was the ukulele group. The ukulele song was called "One Day a Taniwha". The children in the ukulele group were wearing green T-shirts and also there were children in the background singing. Their t-shirts were blue and they had microphones too, so they could sing. The ukulele people were singing too. The ukulele players kept in time together and their strumming was lively!
The other songs and dances were beautiful too. The whole entire performance was very interesting for people who didn't know about water and who were watching. I'm sure the parents enjoyed watching and were proud of their kids.
If you missed out that would be very sad because it was a lovely performance. Please come next year!
I really like your writing it is fabulous